What’s In Your Purse Printable Bridal Shower Game

What's In Your Purse printable bridal shower game

Finally, a game that rewards us for being total purse packrats! “What’s In Your Purse?” is a super fun and engaging bridal shower game that will definitely have everyone laughing! This is another super easy and self-explanatory game, but let’s just quickly talk about how to play anyway.

Check: 20 Questions to Ask a Bride at a Bridal Shower

What do you need to play Would She Rather

  1. A printout copy for each player (don’t forget the bride)
  2. Pens/pencils/markers.
  3. A prize for the winner (optional)

How to Play

  1. Give each player a copy. Hand them out face down so no one peeks!
  2. Set a timer for about five minutes. You can pick any time, but 5 minutes is usually more than enough.
  3. Players go down the list and check off everything that they have in their purse.
  4. The player with the most points wins!

That’s it! Super simple yet so much fun!

Related: Bridal Pictionary Printable Game

Extra Tips for a Second Round

Want to make this game even crazier? If guests are comfortable enough around each other to let everyone see ALL the contents of their purses, you can keep the fun going with a second-round game.

  • First, instruct players to dump their purses on the floor (or table) in front of them.
  • Follow steps one and two above.
  • For step three, they can only put back the items that they check off.
  • Once that’s done, have everyone compare what’s left.
  • When two or more people have the same item, they all put it back in their purse.
  • The person with the most unique items wins round two.

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