Hosting a bridal shower as a bridesmaid or parent of the bride can seem overwhelming, especially when it comes to planning all of the small details.
Once you’ve found people to help make food, buy decorations and curate a guest list, you need to start thinking about bridal shower games! Bridal shower games are a great way to get everyone in attendance at the shower involved in the celebrations because let’s be honest — watching someone else open gifts can be dull.
Are you looking for ideas on games to play at an upcoming bridal shower? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered! We have compiled a list of our favorite bridal shower games and a brief explanation of how to play them.
1. Fake Ring Scavenger Hunt
The fake ring scavenger hunt can be fun for guests of all ages at your bridal shower. Think of a traditional scavenger hunt, but with more sparkle!
What you need:
- A bunch of fake rings and bands. These can be found on Amazon.
- Paper and pens for each guest to keep track of how many rings they find.
- Someone to hide the fake rings at the shower.
How to play: Have a family member or friend in charge of hiding the fake rings throughout the party venue. Make sure they remember where they have hidden the rings so you don’t leave any behind after the party is over!
Pass out paper and pens to invited guests who will be participating in the scavenger hunt. Announce that the scavenger hunt is open and ask guests to try and find as many fake rings as possible during the shower.
After the bride is done opening gifts, have guests tally up how many rings they’ve found. The person who has found the most rings will win a prize!
2. The Bridal Shower Emoji Game
An emoji puzzle is a series of emojis that make up a word or phrase. For example, an emoji of a pot of honey next to an emoji of a moon would be a honeymoon. This game will keep your guests engaged by challenging their minds and emoji knowledge!
What you need:
- A card for each person with emoji puzzles printed on them.
- Something to write with for each guest. A pen or marker will work.
How to play: Pass out an emoji card and pencil or pen to each guest. Each emoji card will have 5-10 emoji puzzles to solve.
Set a timer for five minutes and ask guests to solve as many puzzles as possible during this time period.
After the five minutes are up, you can go over the correct answers. Each puzzle is worth 1 point. Whoever has the most points will win a prize!
Check out these other popular posts on organizing a memorable baby shower:
- Bridal Shower Schedule
- Bridal Jeopardy Questions for an Unforgettable Bridal Shower
- Fun Prizes For Bridal Shower Games
3. Telephone Wedding Toast
You’ve no doubt played the classic “Telephone” game. Playing telephone is always fun for everyone involved and can get everyone giggling at your party when you try to make a fake wedding toast to the bride-to-be.
What you need: A fun-loving group of people to sit in a line or circle.
How to play: Have each guest whisper a wedding toast to the person next to them, and have guests keep repeating the toast down the line of guests until you get to the last person, who then has to make the telephone toast to the bride.
4. Guess That Love Song – Disney Love Song Edition
This game is perfect for a Disney-loving bride!
What you need:
- A playlist of classic and unexpected Disney love songs for guests to guess.
- A pen and piece of paper for each guest.
How to play: Play each song on your playlist for up to thirty seconds and ask guests to guess what the title of the song is and what Disney movie the song came from. At the end of your playlist, go through and give out the correct answers. The guest with the most correct guesses will win a prize — Disney-themed prizes are encouraged!
5. Bridal Shower Bingo – A Classic
A classic game with a fun bridal-themed twist.
What you need: Paper and pens for guests to write with. Try to get an actual bingo card and markers if possible.
How to play: Give each player participating in the game a bridal bingo game card and something to write with. Have guests fill out the bingo squares with names of gifts that they think the bride will receive, like pots, a blanket, towels, etc.
As the bride opens gifts, encourage guests to mark off their bingo cards. The first player to get BINGO (five squares filled in consecutively will win! This game helps keep everyone at the party engaged and having fun while the bride opens gifts.
6. Bridal Pictionary
A classic game that everyone loves with a bridal-themed twist!
What you need:
- Gather names of wedding-related phrases, places and items and write them on slips of paper. Place these slips of paper in a bowl or hat.
- You will also want a large whiteboard or giant pieces of paper and markers for game participants to draw with.
How to play: Divide the bridal party into two teams. Have each team nominate an artist to go to the front of the room to draw the phrase they pull from the bowl or hat.
The artist will get 60 seconds to draw their item and for their team to guess it right. The first team to have ten correct guesses wins!
7. A Tongue Twister – The Ring Game
A fun way to keep your guests paying attention to the conversations and interacting with other guests.
What you need: A box of fake rings or ring pops.
How to play: As guests arrive at the shower, have them take one ring from the box and let them know what the forbidden word is. For example, if your forbidden word is “wedding,” guests will not be allowed to say the word wedding during the shower.
If one guest catches another guest saying the forbidden word, they get to take the offender’s fake ring. At the end of the shower, the guest with the most fake rings wins!
8. A Weekend Activity with a New Twist – Wedding Word Search
This is an easy game that almost everybody already knows how to play and can keep people entertained for quite a while, depending on the difficulty of your word search.
What you need: A bridal-themed word search game card and pencils.
How to play: Leave a stack of word searches and pens/pencils at each table, so guests can do the word search at their leisure throughout the bridal shower.
9. A Sentimental Favorite – Memory Lane with the Bride
A fun way to get to know some of the guests at the bridal shower and how they know the bride.
What you need: Hand out index cards to each guest and have them write a description of their favorite memory with the bride. Keep it fun and slightly embarrassing if possible!
How to play: After the guests have finished writing down their memory with the bride, ask them to place them in a box or hat. Then have the maid-of-honor or host read off the memories one at a time and have guests guess who wrote the memory down! Depending on the group size and life experiences with the bride, this game can be VERY funny.
10. Wedding- Themed Musical Matching
At the shower, display wedding photos from the bride and groom’s parents, grandparents, aunts, cousins, siblings and other extended family or friends on a table alongside a list of first dance songs. Have guests try to match the photo of each couple with their first-dance song. If possible, give each photo a number and each song a letter. For example, the bride’s parents will be photo 1 and their first dance song could be song C.
During the shower, you could have a slideshow of all of the photos with the correct song answers. The guest with the most correct answers will win bragging rights for knowing the bride’s loved ones the best and a prize.
11. Love Song Version of Name That Tune
This game is perfect for all generations of music lovers.
What you need: Gather a playlist of 15-25 love songs from across generations and genres for guests to guess. Make sure there will be speakers to play music with at the shower.
How to play: Play a short snippet of each love song on the playlist — somewhere between 10-20 seconds. Have guests write down their guesses for each song throughout the playlist. Bonus points if the guests can guess the artist’s name too!
Once you’ve had your guests write down all their answers, play the playlist of love songs again and announce the answers as you work your way through the playlist. The guest with the most correct answers wins!
12. Mad Libs the Brides Vows
What you need: Print out traditional vows from your area or culture and leave blank spaces for nouns, verbs and adjectives that guests can insert.
How to play: Throughout the bridal shower, guests can make up their own vows, then deposit the hysterical twist on the classic wedding vows in a box or hat to be read aloud.
At the end of the party, the bride reads the wedding vows to her guests. This is sure to get some laughs from everyone involved — especially the bride’s future spouse if they show up!
13. Toilet Paper Bride
What you need: Toilet paper
How to play: Divide your participating guests into even teams and provide them with a model and roll of toilet paper. Have each team dress their model in the most elaborate wedding dress they can create out of toilet paper in three minutes.
At the end of the three minutes, have each model strut down the runway for the judge (the bride, of course) to pick her favorite. The winning team and model will receive a prize!
14. How Well Do You Know the Bride
A fun trivia game to help guests get to know the bride better before her big day!
What you need:
- A piece of paper and pen for each guest
- A list of questions for the game host to ask about the bride.
How to play: Have the host ask the bridal shower guests a series of guests about the bride. For example, what is the bride’s favorite color or where did the bride meet her fiancé?
At the end of the set of questions, have the host go over the answers with the guests. The guest who has the most correct answers will win a prize.
15. Cold Feet – Not for the Faint of Heart
A fun and exciting game, perfect for hot summer bridal showers or those looking for a little more adventure at their bridal shower.
What you need: A large bowl, ice, water and fake rings.
How to play: Fill a large bowl with fake rings, ice and water. Have a guest sit in a chair in front of the bowl and have them pull out as many fake rings as they can in thirty seconds with their feet! The guest who is able to pull out the most fake rings in thirty seconds wins!
With these games, you’re sure to make your upcoming bridal shower the best one yet. If you’re looking for even more fun ways to celebrate either your or your friend’s upcoming wedding check out some of our other bridal shower related blogs.

As a multi-passionate creative and a self-proclaimed frequent flyer of weddings, Kiara combines her love for the wedding industry and experience as a professional wedding photographer with her writing abilities to share tips, tricks, and helpful information with couples. She is the owner of Switech Studios a popular wedding photography business. With tons of insider information from behind her camera lens on how to have the best wedding possible, Kiara’s in-depth knowledge is sure to put you on the road to wedding planning success.