Who walks down the aisle in a gay wedding?
The short answer- whoever wants to!
Seriously, it’s your wedding so you and your partner get to make all the rules.
That said, we’ve got some tips for you below that will help make the big moment special for both of you.

Who Walks Down the Aisle in a Gay Wedding
When you’re planning a wedding, it’s easy to get caught up in all the little details.
Are the flowers right? Will our vows make everyone weep with joy? Did we pick the right cake?
Who walks down the aisle in a gay wedding?
Your flowers are gorgeous, your vows are beautiful, and there’s no such thing as the wrong cake (well, unless it’s a broccoli cake or something, of course).
Now, for that last question (and the whole reason you’re here), let me tell you, there are many different options.
In fact, it’s perfectly okay if you don’t want to walk down the aisle at all. Like I said, it’s your wedding and you’re in charge of every single aspect.
Find the option that makes you and your partner happy and go with it. That is really the only thing that matters on your big day!
I’ll show you some of the best options for you to walk down the aisle. Or not.
Two Separate Aisles
Yes, it is an option and yes, it sounds good.
This way you can both make a great entrance and enjoy every moment of it. You don’t have to play by the rules. Ask your mom or dad (or both, why not) to walk you or even chose your best friend to have the honor. You can do it at the same time or have your separate moments.
No Aisle At All
There’s always the option for you to stay in your positions and wait for everyone to arrive.
This way you won’t be stressed by the whole ritual, but if the moment is important for you it may not be the best option.
There’s a lot of variables to take into consideration and you need to be sure that your option will make you happy.
Walking together
It is a ritual, but it’s also your own story.
It can symbolize whatever you want it to symbolize, even if that means that you’re walking in this together instead of being presented to your partner.
As long as this option makes you feel right, there’s nothing wrong with it. All that matters is to create unforgettable moments from your wedding day.
Have a Circle Ceremony
This is an option too.
Have all your guests stand or sit in a circle or spiral and walk together through them, to the middle. It’s a beautiful option and unique too.
The possibilities are unlimited and every wedding has its own charm. Give it some of your personality!
Meet Each Other Halfway
Conventionally, couples meet at the front to stand near the person officiating the wedding. But your union is far from being traditional.
So why not meet the love of your life in the middle? You can execute it from any point you like (from the left or right sides, or from the front and back), and it is up to you if you want take an extra walk after meeting halfway to the direction of the officiant or have the officiant positioned in the middle for the duration of the ceremony.
Get Everyone To Walk With You
If you plan on having a very intimate wedding ceremony with only a limited number of guests, it might be a good idea to have everyone make the walk with you and your significant other.
The simplest way to do it is to have an empty venue first (except maybe for the officiant or choir or music crew). Then you and your loved one make your way to the front area (or middle, if you want), with all your guests walking after you and then taking their seats.
This works if you are having a simple, informal ceremony. But you might need to brief your guests beforehand so that they will know what to do.
Walk With Your Pet
Do you and your partner love dogs? Why not have your furry best friend(s) walk down the aisle with you? If you have more than one pet, you can have them take turns walking the aisle.
You might need to adequately practice before your big day to properly pull this off. And also, you might want to check first with the venue if they do allow pets.
Dogs are already adorable. But having them walk the aisle (plus points if they have matching wedding attire) will surely make your wedding a memorable one. Just imagine the pictures you will be keeping after the ceremony!
Don’t Do The Walk
You can do away with the walk on the aisle, if you want to have a really unique ceremony. Typically, what happens is that you and your partner are already positioned at the altar or with the officiant. And then the guests arrive to take their seats, or they perform the walk themselves while you and your love greet them.
You can also do the walk without doing the walk. Allow us to explain. Instead of performing the literal walk, you can do a dance instead. This option has exploded years ago because of a certain viral video, but it hasn’t gone out of style yet.
Or, instead of a dance, you and your partner can use skateboards, roller blades (or roller skates), bicycles, Vespas, scooters, Segways, or ponies.
It Really Doesn’t Matter Who Walks Down the Aisle in a Gay Wedding
Here’s the bottom line- as long as you do what makes you happy, it doesn’t matter who walks down the aisle in a gay wedding.
All that matters is that you tell your story and you are happy in the process.
That your wedding day is exactly what you were hoping for and that nothing will stand in your way.
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What are your thoughts on who walks down the aisle in a gay wedding? Share below!
I’m a freelance journalist/writer/content marketer with BA Hons in Journalism.